Saturday, April 26, 2008

Earth Day/Week Goodness

In celebration of Earth Day/Week, I've put together a whole big list of awesome things on the Internet that are environment related.

First off, a blog that I go to every day for news about Global Warming, and probably the most influential climate change blog on the internet: Climate Progress. This blog is great at having very scientific but accessible explanations of climate trends, and also simultaneously delivering some smack-downs to global warming deniers in the Media and on the net. A++ would read again!

Next, Fifty Ways to Help the Planet, brought to you by The Green Line. This is an excellent list of things you can do every day to help the planet - both things you've heard before (about brushing your teeth, or taking shorter showers) and things you probably haven't (choosing matches over lighters, or cutting down on paper napkins). Also, excellent design work on this one; the list is visually nice as well as helpful.

Adding a little humor is which is an environmental news site that has a edgy, Stephen Colbert-cum-Jon Stewart side. Hilarious..."If At First You Don't Succeed, Perhaps It Was A Bad Idea" and "Raise Hell, Not Corn" are front page headlines right now. Also, they have a podcast.

Lastly, Al Gore, the man I hold responsible for elevating the issues of climate change to the national discourse. With his Nobel Peace Prize money, he's started an advertising campaign called "We Can Solve It" to promote further action. The ads for this movement are the best part (aside from the whole saving the world bit), as they take two well known polar opposites and sit them on a couch and get them to talk about what a big deal global warming is. Check it out.

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