Friday, February 15, 2008

New Music by Awesome People: The Blood Arm

If you're anything like me, you're drowning in music. Music is so pervasive, so prolifically made, and so easy to access and acquire that it may be difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff - and there's a lot of chaff. Well, fear not, I have found an awesome band. That you should listen to. Now.

The Blood Arm (wiki) coalesced in LA in 2003 and just recently (2005/2006) became popular when Franz Ferdinand mentioned they were their favorite new band, then invited them to open at their shows. And, in fact, The Blood Arm bears much resemblance to Franz Ferdinand, though with some subtle but important differences.

Namely, two things: a piano, and the lead singer who must be on speed every time he performs. The addition of the piano to the Franz sound is great; it makes the music lighter and more cheerful. Take the song Do I Have Your Attention, for instance: it's quick, it's upbeat, and it's totally awesome. Nevermind that the music video is one of the greatest examples of animation-to-music I've ever seen.

This brings me to the lead singer. Let me just quote Wikipidia: "The band is led by singer Nathaniel Fregoso, who has a reputation being energetic during live shows, including singing from the tops of speaker stacks, hanging off water pipes, waltzing with members of the audience, or stealing off to the bar to swipe drinks during their live shows." (If you know Ben Spalding, this guy IS Ben Spalding.)

Their most recent album, Lie Lover Lie, came out in 2006 and is filled with delightful, catchy songs you won't be able to get out your head. (For an example, take Suspicious Character It's been a while since that album, though, so look for something in 2008...

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